Author: Deb Caletti
Format: Hardcover*
Publication Date: September
18, 2018
18, 2018
Genre: Fiction, Young Adult
My Rating: 5
When everything has been
taken from you, what else is there to do but run?
taken from you, what else is there to do but run?
So that’s what Annabelle
does—she runs from Seattle to Washington, DC, through mountain passes and suburban
landscapes, from long lonely roads to college towns. She’s not ready to think
about the why yet, just the how—muscles burning, heart pumping, feet pounding
the earth. But no matter how hard she tries, she can’t outrun the tragedy from
the past year, or the person—The Taker—that haunts her.
does—she runs from Seattle to Washington, DC, through mountain passes and suburban
landscapes, from long lonely roads to college towns. She’s not ready to think
about the why yet, just the how—muscles burning, heart pumping, feet pounding
the earth. But no matter how hard she tries, she can’t outrun the tragedy from
the past year, or the person—The Taker—that haunts her.
Followed by Grandpa Ed in his
RV and backed by her brother and two friends (her self-appointed publicity
team), Annabelle becomes a reluctant activist as people connect her journey to
the trauma from her past. Her cross-country run gains media attention and she
is cheered on as she crosses state borders, and is even thrown a block party
and given gifts. The support would be nice, if Annabelle could escape the guilt
and the shame from what happened back home. They say it isn’t her fault, but
she can’t feel the truth of that.
RV and backed by her brother and two friends (her self-appointed publicity
team), Annabelle becomes a reluctant activist as people connect her journey to
the trauma from her past. Her cross-country run gains media attention and she
is cheered on as she crosses state borders, and is even thrown a block party
and given gifts. The support would be nice, if Annabelle could escape the guilt
and the shame from what happened back home. They say it isn’t her fault, but
she can’t feel the truth of that.
Through welcome and unwelcome
distractions, she just keeps running, to the destination that awaits her.
There, she’ll finally face what lies behind her—the miles and love and loss…and
what is to come.
distractions, she just keeps running, to the destination that awaits her.
There, she’ll finally face what lies behind her—the miles and love and loss…and
what is to come.
My Thoughts…
I’m not completely sure where to start my review
because I am still blown away by this book.
And it’s been a week since I finished.
This is probably one that will stay with me for a long time if not
because I am still blown away by this book.
And it’s been a week since I finished.
This is probably one that will stay with me for a long time if not
Luckily, I have never been involved in such a
violent event, but I related to Annabelle so much. Her anxiety is palpable and perfectly
described. I feel like I was on that run
with her, and I mean that in a good way.
Usually, being on a long run is my idea of a nightmare, but this run
feels like therapy for me.
violent event, but I related to Annabelle so much. Her anxiety is palpable and perfectly
described. I feel like I was on that run
with her, and I mean that in a good way.
Usually, being on a long run is my idea of a nightmare, but this run
feels like therapy for me.
I believe that anyone who reads this book can
find some connection to their lives. We
all experience pain, grief, and loss differently, but Annabelle’s journey is so
raw and exposed that the reader cannot help but empathize. You can’t help but root for her and get
pulled across the country.
find some connection to their lives. We
all experience pain, grief, and loss differently, but Annabelle’s journey is so
raw and exposed that the reader cannot help but empathize. You can’t help but root for her and get
pulled across the country.
While I am not usually a huge fan of time jumping,
the style for this book is perfect. I’ve
read a lot of books where the author jumps between past and present, but here,
Caletti uses the change to help tell the story.
Annabelle is obviously suffering from PTSD, and the way she remembers
her trauma is actually a symptom of her condition. Annabelle doesn’t simply remember the shooting
and the events leading up to it, she relives them. She experiences her past as if it’s the present. Once Annabelle’s memories are triggered, the
audience is thrown back into her experiences with her. Truly remarkable storytelling.
the style for this book is perfect. I’ve
read a lot of books where the author jumps between past and present, but here,
Caletti uses the change to help tell the story.
Annabelle is obviously suffering from PTSD, and the way she remembers
her trauma is actually a symptom of her condition. Annabelle doesn’t simply remember the shooting
and the events leading up to it, she relives them. She experiences her past as if it’s the present. Once Annabelle’s memories are triggered, the
audience is thrown back into her experiences with her. Truly remarkable storytelling.
The Characters…
Annabelle is an awesome character and written so
well. I can’t even begin to talk about
the feasibility of her run, but just the grit and determination to survive were admirable.
The antagonist of this story is The Taker. His name is revealed, but it’s a big moment
in the book, so I won’t spoil it. He was
perfectly written as well, because he wasn’t reprehensible. He isn’t obviously evil, scary, or
dangerous. As with most violent
offenders, only in hindsight are they peculiar.
Only with the perfect 20/20 vision of the after can we see the red
flags. The danger isn’t always clear and
present until it’s too late.
in the book, so I won’t spoil it. He was
perfectly written as well, because he wasn’t reprehensible. He isn’t obviously evil, scary, or
dangerous. As with most violent
offenders, only in hindsight are they peculiar.
Only with the perfect 20/20 vision of the after can we see the red
flags. The danger isn’t always clear and
present until it’s too late.
* Special thanks to Deb Caletti, Simon and Schuster Publishing, and Jean Book Nerd for providing
a copy of A Heart in the Body in exchange for an honest review.
a copy of A Heart in the Body in exchange for an honest review.
Deb Caletti is an
award-winning author and National Book Award finalist. Her many books for young
adults include The Nature of Jade, Stay, The Last Forever, Essential Maps for
the Lost, and Honey, Baby Sweetheart, winner of the Washington State Book
award, the PNBA Best Book Award, and a finalist for the California Young Reader
Medal and the PEN USA Award. Her books for adults include He’s Gone, The
Secrets She Keeps, and her most recent release, What’s Become of Her.
Deb grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, and now lives with her family in
TWITTER: @debcaletti
– 5 Winners will receive a Copy of A HEART IN A
BODY IN THE WORLD by Deb Caletti.
BODY IN THE WORLD by Deb Caletti.

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