I have been lucky enough to have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by three of readers!!! This makes me so happy, you don’t even know! And since I am so excited, I have decided to answer all three sets of post questions, then nominate my Liebster Blog Winners. Thanks again Insomnia of Books, Andrea Hetsley Books, and xo’reads!!!
Here are the rules:
- Each person must post 11 facts about themselves
- Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged.
- Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
- Tell them you’ve tagged them.
- Remember, no tag backs.
11 Facts About Me:
- I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel puppy named Sloopy (as in Hang on Sloopy).
- In case that seems weird, I can explain! I am an alumni of The Ohio State University, with a B.A. in English. Hang on Sloopy is one of our school songs.
- I am a practising attorney in Ohio.
- I am married, but no kids yet. I have an older brother and a younger sister.
- I have memorized the first paragraph of the Gettyburg Address. No it wasn’t a school assignment, I’m just a nerd.
- I was a member of The Ohio State University Marching Band. TBDBITL
- My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.
- I went to Frnace & Italy in 2010 and it changed my life.
- I studied English Literature abroad in London, England.
- I have read Moby Dick and Anna Karenina. It’s an accomplishment, trust me.
- I love Starbucks! Especially, the Starbucks in Barnes & Noble. Books and coffee, what could be better??? Well, it would be better if they had wine, but then how would I get home? Wait, if Barnes and Noble has wine, coffee and books…why would I need to leave? Interesting….
11 Questions asked by tagger Insomnia of Books:
1. What is your favorite drink?
- Spumante, which is Italian version of Champagne.
2. If you were on a deserted island, what two things would you take with you?
- Can I take a working cell phone??? Otherwise, I would want a knife and a lighter…I know boring but practical.
3. If you were able to invent something, what would you invent, and why?
- Something that would tell me if I am going to like a book.
4. What is your next read? Are you excited about it?
- Probably The Beautiful and the Damned, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
5. Which do you prefer: reading paperback and hardcover, or reading e-copies on Kindle and iPad?
- Paperback, but not mass market.
6. Chocolate-flavored icecream or vanilla-flavored icecream?
- Chocolate!!!
7. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you want it to happen to you?
- I am married, so it probably wouldn’t be good at this point. I believe in it for books and movies, but not necessarily life. Being with someone forever is hard, and love is sometimes a choice instead of an affliction. I guess I just think we have control, sometimes, over who we love, and love at first site means that you don’t.
8. Do you like historical novels? Why or why not?
- Love them!!! It takes me to a simpler time, in a world I am unfamiliar with.
9. What is your favorite book? and why?
- Pride and Prejudice, because it’s the game of love.
10. What is your favorite place to read?
- I have a study (library with a desk), and in that room I have my great-grandfathers captain’s chair. I curl up in their and the dog comes with me and lays on the ottoman.
11. If you want to go on a vacation, where would you go?
- Florence, Italy.
11 Questions from tagger Andrea Hetsley Books:
1. How long have you been blogging?
- Two Months
2. What genre do you blog about?
- Fiction and some Nonfiction
3. Where are you from?
- Ironton, Ohio
4. Do you have any ARC’s right now, if so what?
- No
5. What are you currently reading?
- The Beautiful and the Damned
6. Who is your favorite author of all time?
- Jane Austen
7. Do you usually read mainstream or indie authors?
- Mainstream
9. Do you give your read books away, run contests with them, or keep them?
- I keep them, but when I have extras I have contests!
10. How many books are in your TBR pile?
- It’s infinite…but at least ten.
11. What is your favorite food?
- Probably pasta
11 Questions from tagger xo’reads:
1. favorite novel/series
- See above…
2.how many books do you own
- Who knows?! I have five bookcases, plus books in my bedroom, living room and basement. From 600-1000.
3.what made you start a blog
- My husband got tired of listening to me.
4.where do you see yourself in the future
- Being a mom, working as a lawyer, and reading…living the dream.
5.what character would you want to be
- Elizabeth Bennet, b/c who doesn’t want Mr. Darcy?
6. would you ever consider writting a novel
- Yeah, but I’m too scared and busy right now!
7. the novel that has stayed with you the longest
- Pride & Prejudice
8.what character do you wish you could date
- Ummm…can’t you already tell? Mr. Darcy!
9. favorite novel genre
- Probably historical fiction
10.what character do you think youre most like
- Elizabeth Bennet, b/c I am stubborn and I love to read.
11. what are you most known for
- reading.
My 11 Tags for the Liebster Award are:
- Batty for Books and Loving It
- Reading Under the Willow Tree
- Contagious Reads…books and more!
- I’m a reader, what about you? (Ja čitam, a ti)
- The Tiny Book Nook
- Reader’s Corner
- Read That Also
- Lola’s Book Cafe
- Know Your Books
- Harley Bear Book Blog
- Half Filled Attic
- What is one of your favorite quotes?
- What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
- What sound do you love?
- Cats or Dogs?
- Favorite Sport to watch or play?
- What is your favorite book, movie, and song?
- If you could speak any language, what would it be and why?
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- What’s your favorite midnight snack?
- Favorite drink?
- Where is your favorite place to read?

Hi Amy! Thanks for the tag!:)
Thanks for the tag, Amy! Once I figure out how this all works, I'll do my answers!
Thanks for the tag! Heres my reply back
Thanks Amy… <3
Loved learning more about you! 🙂
I just nominated you again 😡