Previously, I have posted about my hope to crowd source a modern booket list. If you don’t know what that is, check it out here. Anyway, I am pretty proud to say that we are at the halfway point. As the list continues to grow, I find myself asking many questions, which means, I need your opinions!!!
Should a book series count as a single entry, or should each book within the series get their own space?
Should their be a separate list for nonfiction books?
Should children’s books get a separate list?
And as always, what books should be added to the list?
Modern Booket List – 1950 – Present
1. Beloved
2. Blue Like
3. The Bluest
4. To Kill A
5. The Giver
6. The
Catcher and the Rye
Catcher and the Rye
7. One
Hundred Years of Solitude
Hundred Years of Solitude
8. Love in
the Time of Cholera
the Time of Cholera
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)
10. Prince Caspian (1951)
11. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952)
12. The Silver Chair (1953)
13. The Horse and His Boy (1954)
14. The Magician’s Nephew (1955)
15. The Last Battle (1956)
16. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
17. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
18. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
19. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
20. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
21. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
22. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
23. Atlas Shrugged
24. Farenheit 451
25. The DaVinci Code
26. Catch-22
27. The Fellowship of the Ring
28. The Two Towers
29. The Return of the King
30. The Color Purple
31. The Shining
32. The Handmaid’s Tale
33. Fahrenheit 451
34. Charlotte’s Web
35. East of Eden
36. The Catcher and the Rye
37. On the Road
38. Lolita
39. The Old Man and the Sea
40. The Bell Jar
41. The Road
42. The Bridges of Madison County
43. The Alchemist
44. The Kite Runner
45. The Hunger Games
46. The Outsiders
47. The Pillars of the Earth
48. Life of Pi
49. The Time Traveler’s Wife
50. The Help

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