I love that so many blogs are having reviews, and then links and blog hops to help get review out there. So I decided to make a giveaway tab. Anyone can add their giveaway, and I will upload the link. I will need to get a link for your blog and your giveaway. Also, please give me a description of the giveaway, to entice people to enter!!! Obviously, they will enter the giveaway from your site! This is just a place where people can go to look up new giveaways. Just email me the link at amy.michelle.ermie@gmail.com or @buckeye_gal4 and I will upload it. Also, you can leave the link in the comments section, and I will upload it in its own post.
If you are just looking for a giveaway to enter, all you have to do is come to my blog and click on the giveaway tab. Hopefully soon there will be tons of giveaways to enter! Good Luck!

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