This post is not about #soapgate, well, not really.

As you probably already know, we have all been exposed (see what I did there?) to a book box with some pretty surprising contents. If you haven’t seen it, check it out, it’s pretty funny. Be sure to read the comments, the bookish twitterverse had some fun.
I’m going to skip right over the first question, why on earth would you make dick soap with a suction cup? I’ll even skip the second question, why would you put it in a box with YA books? My question is this….
is a book box and why?
is a book box and why?
Seriously, I would love an answer. Why did you buy a book box? What usually come in your book box? Is this a subscription? Are the boxes worth the money? Where do you get the best book boxes?
I am bringing my questions to you, my knowledgeable book friends. I would appreciate any help!

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