Sometimes, things line up nicely and make my life a little easier. As you may know from my previous post, I am doing Blogtober with a couple of different blogs, and today they both suggested the same topic: cozy reading spots.
So I started thinking…What is my favorite cozy place to read? Some of my fav spots are fairly predictable, but not necessarily. I always like to be a little unexpected when I can.

My absolute favorite cozy reading spot is my rocking chair on my front porch. It’s the combination of the wrap around front porch, rocking chair, little table for drinks, and just enough of the outside without putting myself or my pages in any real risk. Though it’s a little spooky right now, my chair is ready for some great fall reading, so much so, that I included it in my fall bookish bucket list.
I’m also a big fan of reading in bed. I even got a book pillow that will hold my book for me so that I can lay down and read without my hands going numb. I can’t count the number of times I have fallen asleep on top of my book. In fact, my husband has taken some pretty funny pictures of me using my book as a pillow, and no I’m not posting them.

The last spot I want to mention is my fireplace. There is nothing that says cozy quite like a roaring, wood burning fire. While I would love to sit by my fire pit in the backyard surrounded by the smell of leaves, I can’t read by firelight alone. So for reading, it’s my fire place in the living room. That crackling gets me everytime.
Do you have anymore cozy spots to mention???

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